The Smoothest Hummus Ever!

24 Sep, 2022

What is Hummus? Why should you try it?

Originating from the Middle East, Hummus is made with the main ingredients including chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, and lemon.

The Smoothest Hummus Ever!

The Smoothest Hummus Ever!

Hummus sauce has a lot of beneficial protein, fiber, vitamin B6, … This dish is suitable for vegan diets or clean diets in general.


Bơ hạt mè trắng hữu cơ (White Seasame Tahini) – Biona Organic (170g)

Cooking instruction:

  • Empty out the two cans of chickpeas, spread them out between two tea towels and use your hands to rub the towels together for a few minutes – don’t press down too hard on the chickpeas as you don’t want to crush them. The chickpea skins should be released. Discard the skins.
  • Put the peeled chickpeas into a saucepan with enough water to cover, 1 tsp salt and a pinch of cumin. Simmer for 15 minutes, until the chickpeas are soft.
Cooked chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas

  • Drain the chickpeas over a bowl, saving the water. Put the warm chickpeas into a food processor with the tahini, garlic, lemon juice, a couple of ice cubes, 2 tbsp reserved chickpea water and a pinch of salt.
  • Blitz until smooth. If needed, you can add more tahini, garlic, lemon, salt and chickpea water to achieve the taste and consistency that you’d like.
  • Drain the black chickpeas. place the hummus into a serving bowl and top with the black chickpeas, chopped parsley and a generous drizzle of olive oil.
Hummus with other foods

Hummus with other foods

This hummus sauce can be eaten with many other dishes such as sandwiches, pizza, salad or maybe just simply dip it with boiled vegetables. An’s Kitchen wishes you a delicious meal!



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