Vegan Black Truffle Mustard Mushrooms on Toast

26 Sep, 2022

One of the easiest recipes we have here at An’s kitchen. However, this recipe can still able to bring a unique Chinese flavour that would amaze your taste by combining with Truffle mustard.

Vegan Black Truffle Mustard Mushrooms on Toast

Vegan Black Truffle Mustard Mushrooms on Toast


Mù tạt Nấm Truffle Đen – Truffle Hunter (180g)

  • 200g wild mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 100g vegan crème fraiche
  • 2 slices fresh sourdough bread
  • Handful wild rocket
  • Sprig of fresh tarragon, to serve

How to cook:

  • Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan. To this, add in the mushrooms and chopped garlic, and cook until soft.
  • Meanwhile, toast the sourdough and top with the vegan crème fraiche, mustard and rocket.
  • Add the mushrooms to the toast and sprinkle with some fresh tarragon.
Creamy Mushroom on Toast

Creamy Mushroom on Toast

Only cause you 15 minutes for preparation but the result pays off deliciously. An’s kitchen suggests you eat this for breakfast which perfectly provides the energy to start your day.



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